Kategori: Allmänt
SCHELLO!! I know I haven't written in AGES!! I have absolutely no excuse except that I suck. And I didn't care much for writing anyway...
I will give y'all the major update about everything. All in due time. Like maybe tonight, or tomorrow. Or something.
Well, I went to London obviously since that's kinda all I wrote about last spring. I'll show u the pictures. I also went to Cyprus with Lana, Yuliana and Sema! WONDERFUL girls trip!
Other than that I've been working my ass off all summer, and I became Executive Deputy Assistant!!! :D Chefs assistent in swedish if you were wondering ;P So now I'm the boss, mohahaha ^^ No, I'll be nice.
Well, I gotta go. I'm off to Marikas to take a dance class for Camme!! :D
Haha, Lana mitt älskade mongo<3 Vi firar 9 år i år!!