Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!


Kategori: Allmänt

Congrats to all the Marias out there!

Today's the last day of February already! Now two months of this year has passed! Incredible. Tomorrow it's the first day of March, and officially spring. Although I don't know if the weather god's know that :P But with March come hopes of brigher days, and we're nearing us spring time. :)

My boss just called and asked me to come in to work early, so I have to go now. I get off at 23.15, so we'll see if I have the energy to write anything when I come home...

Have a nice day everyone!
Peace out!

home again

Kategori: Allmänt

Good thing I went to the emergency room actually. Turns out it's a bit more serious than I thought. I have a tendency to just think 'if it doesn't hurt, it's not bad', and then I put a band-aid on it and keep going.

The doctor said it should heal in a week or two. And if it doesn't I should come back. So I got a bandage that I'm not allowed to take off and a note to a nurse at Jakobsbergs sjukhus. So I have to go there on tuesday to change my bandages. The doctor wanted me to rest my hand for a week and not work, but there's no way in hell I'm staying home another week! So I told him that, and he said that in that case I should use my hand as little as possible and I must have a plastic glove on it at all times when I'm working. Good thing it's my left hand and not my right one!

It just sucks that I sat there for three hours waiting, just to have the doctor look at my hand for 5 minutes and examine it, and then 2 minutes for a nurse to put bandages on it... Apparently there was only one doctor on the floor or something... Swedish health care system really sucks sometimes.

After I was done my foster-dad came and picked me up and we went home to his mother. There I ate some food and we just chatted with the relatives (his brother and sister and their families were there too :)). It was really nice to see them. But I was really tired from this day so we went home around 10 o'clock, Massod (my foster-dad) drove me home. And I bought some candy and I've been chillin in bed with my laptop on my belly watching a movie. A good end of a long day.

Well, well I think I'm gonna sleep soon. I'm real tired and I have to work tomorrow.

Good night everyone! Peace out.

Oh, tune of the day:

I love this song! Makes me happy :)

burn victim

Kategori: Allmänt

Damn it! I'm so clumsly! Yesterday at work I got some really hot melted cheese over my hand. I've gotten that before and it stung and hurt a bit. But somehow it was worse yesterday, cause the temperature on that frikkin cheese could NOT have been 80C° as it's supposed to be. Because today half my thumb and some of my hand is covered with blisters! And I called 'sjukvårdsupplysningen' and they said I have to go to the emergencyroom to get it checked up. SUCKS!!

So that's what I gotta do on my day off. Sit at the freakin emergencyroom... I even had to cancel the class with the kidds, cus Micha couldn't take it. Eh, well... two other girls took our class, so the kidds will have a class at least.

Besides getting burned and having to work, yesterday was a good day cause I spent it with my friend Amanda! ♥ We met up here in Jakan, and went shoping. Or I shopped, she just looked around. And I wasn't even supposed to shop but I couldn't resist! And I'm really happy over the things I found! :D

I bought leggings, a black knitted longsleeved crop top, a beautiful necklace, socks and a scarf. AWESOMENESS! :D

We also ate lunch at Tasty's, their baguettes are soooo good! And then we went to Barkarby Outlet and looked around for shoes. I really need like a pair of boots. Warm and water-resistant. Cus soon all the snow will melt and all the shoes I have now are fabric ones or in suede. Ergo, not good for that kind of weather! But I didn't find any, so we went to IKEA and had coffe and cakes, YUMM! :) After that I went to work (it's right across from IKEA) and Amanda went home.

That was yesterday. Well, I'll be going soon. I'm waiting for my foster-dad to come and pick me up and drive me to the hospital. But he has other stuff to do so he'll just drop me off, and I'll have to sit there by myself. I hope it won't take hours...

See ya later


 Me in my new clothes and necklace, with my newly burned hand. I'll update you when I'm home again from the hospital. I bet I'm gonna sit there for hours just o have them say it's fine and I can go home...

London calling

Kategori: Allmänt



Shit, I'm so frikkin' EXCITED!! Can't wait! London is one of my favorite cities in the world! (And I've been to quite a few, I've visited 20 different countries -- alot of different cities). Last time I was there was a year ago. I've showed you pictures of that.

I completely fell in love with that city.

All the buildings, old and new. All the history in one place, dated back for centuries. The rythm of the life there. The feelings you get when you walk the streets of London. The tube (subway). All the bars, hundreds of 'em. The friendly people. Everything, I love about London.

I actually wish I could live there some day. Maybe I will?

Don't you think I would fit in? This pic was taken without my knowledge. 
I think you can really tell how happy I was just being on Tower Bridge and looking 
out over the Tower of London.

This time I'm also going with Yassi and her mother, Sofia lives there at the moment so we're kinda visiting her. Although we will stay at a hotel, not her place. And our friend Nina is coming along this time!! We're gonna have SO much fun!! :D

When I hear this song I see myself walking the streets of London. Sunglasses, sneackers and a camera in hand. Totally happy. 54 days left until it's reality.


Kategori: Allmänt

Ahahahaha... asså vem e pinsamt jävla sämst på att uppdatera???

Well, well... yeah, whatev. I've been sick okay?!

Kanske då man ska blogga? Hade tid, låg hemma bara?

I had the flu = I was practically dead. I didn't do ANYTHING for days...


You betcha!

Okej... så nu da?


im siiiiiiiiick

Kategori: Allmänt

Once again you're not forgotten! Somehow I seem to loose my inspiration for blogging from time to time... One day I have inspiration to write 10 captions in a day. And the day after I don't feel like writing at all.

One thing you should know though is that there hasn't been anything of interest to write about... Cus I've been working, working and working. Feels like I don't have a life anymore. Yeah, I'm a looser, total workaholic. At least I have my sister, she's much worse than me, she has 2 jobs! And she doesn't need both. She works as buildingpermit administrator AND she's a bartender on week-ends. And she likes it that way, plus she studies a part-time course on distance. Work-a-holic. Feels, nice. I'm in good company. No, she doesn't make me feel like a slacker at all...

Anyway, now we're at our parents' and looking at TV. Okay, FINE. I admit it... We're watching "Melodifestivalen", this is a day of shame.

Hrrhhrrmmm... sooooo... changing subject?

Oh yeah! Me and my co-workers went to the movies this monday! We saw Tangled (Trassel på Svenska). It was a funny movie, the sub-carachters were funny. You should watch it if you like a calcuable movie, where you can predict the ending, and only one person dies. But it IS a disney movie for children. I shouldn't be so hard on it.

Anyway, I'll write tomorrow again. I think.

PS. I'm sick. That's why I wrote it as the headline. In case you were wondering. And the song has absolutely nothing to do with the text. I just like it. No, correction, I love it.