Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!

Good morning, or eh yeah

Kategori: Allmänt

It's not one of the best mornings exactly. I'm back, the notorious sleeper, I could have easily sleapt about 5-6 more hours! But instead I'm sitting here with my coffe... Well, I have myself to blame. I made the classic mistake of being up by habit. Even though I was deadly tired at 10, I didn't go to bed until 01.30!! What did I do? Beats me! One minute I'm watching a movie and I look at the clock and it's 10 pm, the next thing I know the clock fastforwarded to 1 am and I hadn't showered yet. Hence, I went to bed like 01.30. And now I'm tired as fuck.

Only positive thing right now is that I get off at 14.00, and after that I'm meeting my aunt for a cup of coffe. Oh, and I don't have to get up this early tomorrow.

Well I gotta go get ready, uuuuggggh....

Have a nice day y'all!

This song will ALWAYS cheer me up! :)


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