day off but still working
Kategori: Allmänt
Hey everyone! I hope you've had a good day! Guess what I've been doing almost all day? SLEEPING! Kinda regret missing out on the whole day, but nah, I love sleeping in! I really needed to just be able to sleep for as long as I needed and then just lay in bed until I waned to go up! ^^
Other than that I haven't done much. Eaten breakfast and working. Working from home? How? Well, thing is I'm gonna be a traineé at work. That means I'll have more responsibility, I get to lead my own shifts, I'll get a raise and after that I'll be able to become an assistant. Assistants are like Jr bosses.
But to get there I have to complete a series of tests on the internet. And since I never have the energy to do that after work, I'm doing it today on my day off! Wow, am I ambitious or what?! I'm totally patting myself on the shoulder.
Right now I'm taking a break from that, and I'm considering going grocery shopping cus I'm running out of food and stuff! But I aslo reeeeeeeeaaaaaally need to wash the dishes and book a time to wash my clothes. Guess I'll get to it?
Agenda of the day:
Sleep ALOT
Eat brakfast
Get dressed, I sitting here in a t-shirt. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that doesn't qualify as being dressed.
Book the laundry room
Go to the store
Wash dishes
Clean the appartment, dude it seriously looks like SHIT
Eat dinner (shit, I have to cook! Damn it that I'm not working today... there I can just pick something)
Kick back
Chill some more
Eat some candy?
Go to sleep early, if possible (totally my loss otherwise cus I'm working from 8.00-14.00 tomorrow)
I've been sitting here with favorite coffe cup all day.
Yes, these are the most normal pictures I took today. The other ones would have made you throw your computers of of the window in fright. And let me add, I know how precious your computers are, hence me not putting the pictures up is an complete act of kindness.