Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!

according to me you're officially grown up when...

Kategori: Allmänt start liking going up at 7, to get and early start of the day and go to work at 8. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME?! The notorious sleeper. Like I said yesterday I love sleeping in to like 2 pm! And when I got up  a while ago and started to turn on the computer, putting on the coffe and fixing breakfast I quietly thought to myself 'this is nice, now I won't miss out on the whole day'. I MEAN WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!?

It's creepy.

This thing called growing up.


Well, at least I'm not tired like hell. I'm sitting here with the most awesome breakfast ever! Yesterday when I went grocery shopping I bought yoghurt and freezed raspberries and blueberries. I also bought kesella vanilj for other purposes, but just now I though 'hey let's mix em up and test how it is!' AND IT TURNED OUT SOOO GOOOD!!! :D

Well I gotta get to it, and then I gotta go!

See ya later!

Ohh, and the cutiepie Willow Smith has made a new video! Our next Rihanna? I think so!


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