Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!

1st of March

Kategori: Allmänt

And here's a new month already! Whoop whoop! We're nearing us spring time! I'm in a really good mood today! I got to sleep in, I went to the hospital and got new bandages, and I went grocery shopping. So now I'm home reading my book, listening to good music and eating waffles with whipped cream and raspberry jam! :D And to it I'm drinking Starbucks coffe (My foster-mom bought me coffe beans from Starbucks when she was in London), it's sooooo DELICIOUS!! :D

I wasn't supposed to work today cus another girl wanted my shift. But now a guy at work called in sick so I'll have to work anyway. But it's okay, I didn't have any plans anyway.

Nom nom nom! Cozyness! Just what I needed this boring tuesday! :)

UPDATE: Btw, I saw now that the date on the photo was totally off! I did not cheat with the picture. I took it while I was eating the waffles and blogged about it. Ergo, the picture wasn't taken the 27th...


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