Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!

what's yo flava?

Kategori: Allmänt

Hello everyone! You might notice some changes in the apperance of my blog! Like, dislike? Is it great, or does it suck donkeyballs? Let me know! I'm quite pleased with the changes, cus I made 'em all myself! YEAH, I now right?! Rebbo THE most untechnical person EVER (I could barely put my TV n DVD together, I even asked Micha to start my blog cus I didn't know how to) fixed her own design? Even though I really can't read none of that mumbo-jumbo stuff, hprl or whatever it's called, I DID IT! It might not be a real proffessional job, but I'm satisfied! For now. I might change the header in a while.. We'll see! ;)

Anyway, with the picture from my header it brought me back to summer times. The picture is taken in Greece last summer. My friend Mia took it without me knowing. And I really like the picture, you can really see my love for history in that picture, as we were at the excavations (utgrävningar).

And the feeling of summer made me think of bikinis, so I checked out H&M's website to see if they've put up some of the spring/summer collections, and they had! So I just had to show some to you that I really liked! More to come btw..

AND THAT brought me to show you some in my blog, which led to the headline of "candy -- which flavour do you want?", which led me to think of the song what's your flava with Craig David, which really is the reason I wanted to post this caption to share that song with you guys!

So here it is! ;) And yeah, I know my mind's messed up. You don't have to enlighten me in that particular area! :)

Oh, and this song reminds me of that movie "What a girl wants" (it's featured in the movie), so I'll go n watch it now! Ciao!


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