time to eessssleep
Kategori: Allmänt
Well, other than that I've been mostly working. But I guess you caught that huh? I've been to gran's to celebrate her b'day. Been at my fosterparent's and had dinner with the family, watched some movies with my sis. My friend Amanda came over and coulored my hair! So now it's a reddish-brown! Love my new hair coulor! And my friends came over this Saturday. I worked til 11 pm, and they came to my place. Such a WONDERFUL night filled with recaps, cus FIA WAS HERE!! :D She's home now for three weeks, and I LOVE IT! We chatted all night long, me, her, Elin and Alvaro. So wonderful! I've really missed her like hell, it's so good to have her home. For now. I've missed her realness, there's nothing fake about her. She always speaks her mind. No bullshit. She's so real. Love people like that. I've really missed Elin and Alvaro too! Even though we're in the same frikking country we don't see eachother enough! Bur that's how life is. I rarely have time to see anyone these days... But my friends knows this, and they're always there when I call or when I need them. Love them all.
No, enough blogging! I really have to sleep. I'm tired like heeeell. Gotta get up early tomorrow. Good night y'all!!
Sweet dreams.
Fia, Elin and Alvaro! ♥♥♥