Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!


Kategori: Allmänt

Hello everyone! Today's Sunday! And do you know what that means? DANCE! And this Sunday in particular is the first class of the semester for our dance students! And I say our now, cus alongside me I have my Mich-pich to teach with me! :D

Thing is I have to work every other week-end, so I need help with the teaching. Cus I don't want to give it up, I absolutely love teaching! So my wonderful friend stepped in! So now we share the week-ends! (Sounds like we're divorced?)

Yesterday wasn't so bad at work. The time just flew by! And I'm really proud of myself cus I got to stand in the drive-in on a week-end! *patting myself on the shoulder* ^^ Anyway, as I said it wasn't so bad, there was a lot of people in the afternoon but in the evening it was kinda calm. I even got to go home 20 minutes early!

Guess what I did when I came home? I went to sleep directly! With my clothes on and everything. After about an hour or so I got up to brush my teeth and take my make-up off. And you know what?! I accidently dropped my BRAND NEW clinique bottle of cleanser!!!! Half of the liquid fell out!!!! :@ :@ :@ Damn it!!! That shit is ridiculously EXPENSIVE!!!! *sigh* But what to do? Nothing, I'll just have to buy a new one when I've used this one up, which won't be long... And I just bought it like 2 week ago!! :'(

Well, don't cry over spilled milk. Or in my case really expensive Clinique cleanser.

Is it okay to cry if it's like really expensive milk from the finest cows in the country?

 The finest cows in the country? No sorry, it's just me and my bootcho ♥


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