on second thought
Kategori: Allmänt
Don't give me summer juuust yet, cuz now when I'm off work I've been eating ALL THE TIME!! It's like my future goal is to get EXTREAMLY fat... So maybe not time for bikini season just yet? That way I can continue to eat some more ;) You know fat is good to keep you warm!
Today I've eaten brunch, dinner, lot's of fruit and chocolateballs(?). HAHAHAHA what's 'chokladbollar' in english?! Aaaaanywaaaayyy..... doesn't sound much, but it IS! It's not the stuff you eat, it's how much! ;P
I've watched a couple of movies, one of them being "Mulan"!! I LOVE DISNEY! I mean like seriously, that movie is SO FUNNY! :D Cracks me up every single time :D
And now? Hmmm, another movie I think ^^ Don't really know which one yet, I'll just have to look through what I've got! Well, c ya 2morrow!
G'nite y'all!! Lot's of kisses ;)
The best song in the movie!! :D
Bloggadress: http://elinens.blogg.se/