Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!

mmm, good morning!

Kategori: Allmänt

Aaah, I really got to sleep all my hours last night! And by all my hours I mean a lot! 12 hours worth of sleep is absolutely my favorite. I'm like a baby, need to sleep alot. Most preferbly after one's eaten. That's absolute gold. But I don't get to do that very often. Which is kinda good though, think about all the things I would miss if I slept half a day all the time? I would miss half my life (we sleep through a third of our lives).

Today I'm working. Shocker, right?! There's four things that sucks with me having to work today:

1. It's the saturday after salary
2. I'm working from 14-22
3. It's Streetstar week-end, and I can't go...
4. It's the saturday after salary

Well, I won't be bored at least. Salary week-ends means you never stand still, and there's people coming in to eat all the time... Question is which station I'm working in today. One thing I know is that it's not in the kitchen. Which makes me kinda releved, cus I'm not there yet. I have lot's to learn before I can stand in the kitchen on a week-end. Well, we'll see. A fun thing though with week-ends is that all the extras are working. So there's a lot of us, and most of them are fun to work with. Problem with the extras is that they're so many, and they ralely work. Ergo, it's really hard to keep track of witch one's who! But it'll be fun as always, that I'm sure of! ;)

I ought to eat some of my breakfast, I won't be eating until 6 o'clock or something when I have my break...

Have a good saturday! The sun is shining, go out for a walk at least! Cozy it up at some coffehouse with a friend!


 The seriousness of taking a picture for the blog took all my ability to be serious in the
 picture. Which, come to think of it, is pretty normal for me. I can take like one or two serious
 pictures, but after that it's pretty much a lost cause. Most of the time when I'm putting up
normal pictures in the blog, that's the only normal one. The rest look pretty much like this one...


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