long time no see!
Kategori: Allmänt
Wow, I'm sorry for the extremely poor update! I haven't written since last Friday! Thing is I just didn't have the time, and every night when I came home from work I was too tired to even turn on the computer. But no worries! I haven't forgotten about you or the blog!
What can I say to describe my last week... I LOVE MY LIFE! And I looove my job! It's weird really, since I'm working at a fast-food restaurant, and I've always thought I would hate it. But I love it. Simply. And the best thing is I love my co-workers and my bosses. And they all love me. I mean, several people have complimented me on how good I am at what I do. A couple of my bosses even told me that they're impressed by me! Aaaahh, you seriously don't know how I feel, I get so much praise, I don't even know what to do with it all, except keep on working even harder. And it really pays off! Last week I got to stand in the drive (at the drive-in), it's a really big step for someone who's only been working there for a month. Let me explain it to you:
There's a kind of hierarchy at work:
1. the kitchen
2. the drive-in
3. the cash registers
4. being out in the restaurant cleaning up after people
So I started out in the cash register like everyone else. And I told you when I got to be out in the restaurant all day. And last week I got to try to stand in the drive. And it's reaaally hard, you have to be extremely fast to have the privilege to stand there. And at first I sucked at it. Cus I couldn't handle the pressure. But practice makes perfect. And yesterday my boss put me there for my entire shift! And it was fine, I managed. I thought. My boss on the other hand was impressed! So I got to stand there today too! In the end though another guy took over, but still, my boss said she's really happy with my work! And guess what? I get to stand in the kitchen tomorrow!! :D Aaaah, happy day! I'm a little bit nervous though, but there's a first time for everything.
I'm just so proud of myself. There's not many people at work who's been able to learn all the things I have in a month! And with so much praise from the bosses too! One of my bosses even told me that they talked about me in their meeting with all the bosses and assistants (assistants are like jr bosses).
I'm so happy it's insane! I can't describe it better than this, and even then it's not sufficient. All I can say is that I'm really and truly happy with my life, I'm seeing a bright future. I'm walking towards better times. And I've earned it.