I mean, COME ON!!
Kategori: Allmänt
You just won't believe what happened to me! I got myself locked out. AGAIN! But this time it was worse, I was on my way to do my laundry, with a big bag of clothes and everything. I leave my phone behind thinking I won't need it. Don't you think I forget my keys?! And of course I don't notice it until I'm right outside the laundry room and need the key to open the door... So my first thought is okay no problem, I'll just call one of my fosterparents or my sister. But then it hit me, I LEFT MY FRIKKIN PHONE BEHIND!
So I have no choice nut to go back, secretly hoping I forgot to close the door. But to all avail, no such luck. So I ring the doorbell of my next door neighbour, and ask if I could borrow their phone. And explaining my situation, the kind old man let's me in. But on one picks up the phone at my fosterparent's. And that's the only number I know! So I try a couple of times, but still no answer. Arne (the old man) asks me if I want to put the clothes in the machine and then come back and try calling again. But you have to have the keys to get in the landry room. And guess what? He walks me to the laundry room and opens the door for me! Talk about being a good neighbour! So I fix my clothes and then go back, to call again. But still no aswer. But then his wife came, Sigbritt, and said I could and I quote "knappa in det på datorn, där brukar väl sådana mobil nummer finnas?". Brilliant old lady! So I did, and I found my fosterdad's number and called him.
BUT, yes, it does not end here... He's out grocery shopping! So he won't be able to be there for about an half-hour or so, maybe 45 minutes! But I couldn't complain, I put myself into this situation. So I just had to wait it out. Fortunately, Sigbritt had a pair of spare keys to lend me so I could go back to the laundry room while I was waiting, because like I wrote before I only had 'til 5. So I went back to the laundry room, and chilled there. I found a bench to lie on. And there I was, until my clothes were done. And then when everything was done I went out and there my fostermom was! With my keys and everything! WHOHO, HALLELUJAH!
Thank God for wonderful next door neighbours and parents! Hope I learned my lesson this time!
I doubt it...