Kategori: Allmänt
Today really is the day after... I had a great evening last night. Although it ended early for various reasons. But I had fun! No complains, except me being kinda stupid... :P
Anyways, this day has been the most cozy one ever! My sister came over and we had a 'the-day-after-chill' with movies, pizza, crisps, candles and girl talk. Just hanging out like that with my sister is just the best! Love her to death! ♥
Well, I need to sleep soon. Being an adult means getting up and going to work tomorrow. I don't really feel like it, cus I'm working sunday-friday this week, HOWEVER I did some math and figured out what my salary's gonna be. And it's so worth it. Some of you may think that what I'm gonna make is nothing, but to be it's enough to pay the bills and stock up my fridge with food. And that's all I want. To stock up, I haven't bought like real food for months. I've been living on noodles, not really a good diet...
Anyways, good nighty!
And as usual, a tunine lunie fo ya ^^