Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!


Kategori: Allmänt

Right now I'm sittin infront of the computer eating some saltines and looking at clothes on different websites. I LOVE JC's clothes! Only bad thing is that I can't blog about them, cus the pictures are nearly imossible to copy/download... -.-' But they have the greatest things right now! There's SO much that I want! Sigh... I do get my paycheck tomorrow, but since I got in so late in December it's not much. I'll get the rest next month. BUT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT THAT LONG?!?!? What an idiotic problem...

On this paycheck I'll probably spend it all on the boring stuff like food, rent, new shoes for work (I need good one's, the shoes I work in now already have LOTS of holes in 'em. Not fun when you have to go outside in the snow to do stuff!). Yeah, boring stuff... But I'll probably be able to get some left so I can coulor my hair, get an haircut and buy new foundation. Whooptidoo!

What I would like now is warmer weather!! So I can go around in an awesome black leather jacket, with a big scarf around my neck and sneakers. Some of you may say I could do that now. But let me tell you something. I'm partly from the middle-east. We. Do. Not. Do. Cold. Weather. Period. Therfore, if I would go out in those clothes it would result in me loosing a couple of toes and fingers, possibly something more valueble. And I'm thinking I might need those in the future. So it's all for safekeeping, you know?

Other than longing over clothes I won't be able to buy (it's quite common for me these days) I've been trimming my eybrows. Trust me, TRIMMING is the right word for it. Nothing can describe the bushes that somehow grew over a large part over my face and covered my eyebrows. But I found the right tools and finally found my eyebrows deaply hidden in the forest. I can demonstate:



Seriously not okay. I don't know how I lived with those big bushes on my forehead so long... I guess all I can blame it on is that I somehow lost my tweezers when I was drunk. How I lost it I do not know. But the bigger question is really, why did I have it with me in the first place? To pinch people with it in the club? Perhaps go on a hunt for un-plucked eyebrows? And in that case, girls or guys? It would be much easier to find guys. I mean, what straight guy plucks his eyebrows? (willingly). And for that matter, which girl does not pluck her eyebrows? Besides the one's with perfect eyebrows, and obviously people like myself. But that wasn't the case back then... Am I rambling?

Moving on! Yes, I have one more thing to show you! And if you're still reading this caption I must say you are truly THE BEST! All the love to you! Anyway, I was bored again and played around with my make-up (bad choice of words? I'm not thinking what you're thinking. Whatever you may be thinking...) Now the question is, heavy or not?

The light version

The heavy make-up (do not take notice of the thing resembling an eyebrow
over my eye. But if you are in fact wondering, yes that was my eyebrow
BEFORE I plucked it).

I think I like the heavy one more. But you really gotta be bold to pull it off. It's not for the weak and uncomfortable. If you're gonna wear make-up like this, hold you head high. And don't dress like a hooker. Or do. It's your choice really.


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