good morning!
Kategori: Allmänt
Right now I'm sitting here in my kitchen eating breakfast and listening to the radio. Radio Metropol is the shit! Love the peeps who're talking, and the music's awesome. Always a good start of the day for me, to eat breakfast and listening to good music. Music can affect me enormously, if I listen to a happy song in the morning my mood stays happy for the rest of the day. Weird huh? But I guess we're all like that in some way. But escpecially dancers and musicians, cus music's such a big part of our lifes.
And talking about dancers! Today after work I'm going in to town to take a class for my friend! It's gonna be so much fun! Dancehall all di way! It's gonna be madness ina di house! :D Longing to just dance and forget everything else. Cus when I dance, I'm off to another place. I can't think about anything but what I have right before me, the choreographer, the choreography, the music and the mirror. It's all I need. It's hard to describe to non-dancers. But I guess if you don't dance you have something else that gives you that sanctuary.
Well oh well! I gotta go get ready! Have a great day everyone! I know I will ;)
And since seemed to fail me on uploading videos on my blog I'll give you the link to one of my favorite songs. This one makes me happy!!