Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!

free time

Kategori: Allmänt

Ah I'm bored! I don't have anything scheduled for work until saturday, therfore I have the week off! "GREAT" was my first thoughts. But now... I'M SO FRIKKIN BORED! What did I do when I was unemployed? Do nothing? Chill out? Watch movies? Read? Sleep?  Well I did all those things yeasterday and today... when are you finished doing nothing? I had a plan that I was gonna go to gran's tonight, but I really don't feel like showering, getting dressed, putting on make-up, take the bus and waaaalk... And then be home again in a couple of hours. Maybe tomorrow or thursday if I'm not working.

So what to do now? I could clean out the appartment. YAY! . . . I reeeeaally don't feel like doing that either... Well, I guess I'll eat some food and then read or watch another movie :P

See y'all latah!

Love this tune :)


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