finally home
Kategori: Allmänt
Ahh, it's so good to be home! I've really worked my ass off today. I was out in the resturant picking up after people all day. Filling up salt, pepper, napkins, straws, taking out the trash, cleaning the restrooms... and so on. And on and on and on. You get the picture. But it was a nice break from the cashregister.
A real trial today was that the dishwasher broke. So I got the fun task of running around all over the Outlet to find a special piece to the machine. I don't even know what it was, but it was certainly hard to find! Finally I found it in Jula. But not before I'd been to Elgiganten and Preem... Well, my boss gave me a lot of cred today, that was nice. I think she likes me, because I'm a hard worker, I don't slack! And she was so nice, she gave me a ride home! It felt good not having to walk home. Hehe ^^
Well, well, now I'm gonna CHILL real hard. Maybe watch a movie or somethin'. But I gotta schleep early, working tomorrow too! 11-7, again. Money, money, money...
Over n out, peace y'all!