Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!

dont wanna

Kategori: Allmänt

I don't want to be uuuup... :( I'm so tired from yesterday. And I have no breakfast to eat, all I've had is a cup of tea. Damn it. NO! I gotta get my shit together! I wanna work, I don't want to sit home, unemployed. So Suck it up! Yea, yeah I'm right! I don't want to sit on my ass all day. It's the morning thing that's talking. I just need to wake up properly, tell my body no, we're not going back to fluffy (my bed, I named it fluffy cus it is fluffy and wonderful and waaaarm...cozy...), NO WE'RE NOT GOING TO BED! PERIOD. You can return to fluffy tonight.

Yeah, so. Now it feels better. A pepp-talk with yourself always works in the morning, especially when bribery is involved. Okay, here we go! Now all I need is a good tune for pepp's... Let's see what we got...

Ahh, yea, there it isssss ^^

Peace out peeps, see ya lataaaaah


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