Kategori: Allmänt
I'm at gran's right now. OOOHH, I absolutely love being here! They always pamper me with food and stuff and lot's of looove! :) They're the best!
Today I've been working, I had the best shift ever!! And there wasn't much to do, so it was all chill! We even had a new girl come in today, it's real nice to have someone else who's new! And she seems like a real nice girl too! Just as nervous as I was on my first day! ^^ Hihi.
On my way to gran's after work I met Johanna on the bus. She really scared the crap out of me! I was talking on the phone with Elin, when she just leaned in to me. First I though it was some freaky old lady with no balance, so I looked at her and gave her a little nugde in true Stockholm-style, yeah you know what I'm talking about. For the one's that do not know; us Stockholmer's do not like to look at, touch or even acknowledge other people on public transportations (looking someone in the eye when you're on the subway equals looking a dog in the eye and baring your teeth). Anyway, she didn't move, so I looked again and I even dropped my phone, hanging up on Elin. The reason I didn't recognize her was because she'd cut her hair! From long brown-ish hair, to a short bob in a very light brown going on blonde! She looks FABULOUS!! No homo. Maybe a little.
We talked a bit, going through the plans for tomorrow. Cus we're celebrating her turning 20!! :D Shit I can't believe she's 20 now! I've known her since we were 10! Time flies... Anyway, we're having dinner at her place tomorrow and then we're going out! It's gonna be real nice to dress up tomorrow, I can't wait! Although I'm kinda mourning me not being able to wear heals... It's just to slippery outside! It's like deciding if you want to look good and die, or don't look as good but being safe? I think I'll go for the safe-goodlooking... Or should I challenge fate? Nah, not with my luck..
After we parted I called Elin again. I had to explain why I hung up on her! And it was so nice talking to her! I miss her A LOT! We used to talk to eachother every day, and see eachother like 4 times a week before. But when you have separate lifes and both work, it's hard. But we still catch up with eachother every once in a while, and we read eachother's blogs! ;) The main topic of our conversation was that out friend FIA'S COMING HOME NEXT WEEK!! :D She's studying in L.A, and she'll come home for a 3 week visit! So Elin and I've been planning on what we're gonna do together! Tihi, planning, planning. I can say it's gonna involve and all-nighter all my place! :D
Well, gotta go be a bit social with my grandparent's! Got to go home in a while and sleep early, cus I got work tomorrow! But I'll write again later!