Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!

buhuhuh :'(

Kategori: Allmänt

I'm a crybaby, I don't wanna be up now! Me n fluffy were having such a good time. I was dreaming sweet dreams and fluffy was keeping me warm. Such incredible team-work! Mornings are so fucking depressing... it's the whole presidier of getting out of bed, wake up, eat breakfast.... you get it.

Maybe I should just stop blogging in the morning? Then you wouldn't hear my whining every single morning. But then again, if you don't want to read it. Don't. Pretty simple.

Well, gotta go eat something, and drink my tea! I seriously would not survive without tea. I'm persian, tea runs in our vains. Anyways, I get off at 9, so I'll be home by 10 or something.


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