home again
Kategori: Allmänt
Good thing I went to the emergency room actually. Turns out it's a bit more serious than I thought. I have a tendency to just think 'if it doesn't hurt, it's not bad', and then I put a band-aid on it and keep going.
The doctor said it should heal in a week or two. And if it doesn't I should come back. So I got a bandage that I'm not allowed to take off and a note to a nurse at Jakobsbergs sjukhus. So I have to go there on tuesday to change my bandages. The doctor wanted me to rest my hand for a week and not work, but there's no way in hell I'm staying home another week! So I told him that, and he said that in that case I should use my hand as little as possible and I must have a plastic glove on it at all times when I'm working. Good thing it's my left hand and not my right one!
It just sucks that I sat there for three hours waiting, just to have the doctor look at my hand for 5 minutes and examine it, and then 2 minutes for a nurse to put bandages on it... Apparently there was only one doctor on the floor or something... Swedish health care system really sucks sometimes.
After I was done my foster-dad came and picked me up and we went home to his mother. There I ate some food and we just chatted with the relatives (his brother and sister and their families were there too :)). It was really nice to see them. But I was really tired from this day so we went home around 10 o'clock, Massod (my foster-dad) drove me home. And I bought some candy and I've been chillin in bed with my laptop on my belly watching a movie. A good end of a long day.
Well, well I think I'm gonna sleep soon. I'm real tired and I have to work tomorrow.
Good night everyone! Peace out.
Oh, tune of the day:
I love this song! Makes me happy :)