Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!

burn victim

Kategori: Allmänt

Damn it! I'm so clumsly! Yesterday at work I got some really hot melted cheese over my hand. I've gotten that before and it stung and hurt a bit. But somehow it was worse yesterday, cause the temperature on that frikkin cheese could NOT have been 80C° as it's supposed to be. Because today half my thumb and some of my hand is covered with blisters! And I called 'sjukvårdsupplysningen' and they said I have to go to the emergencyroom to get it checked up. SUCKS!!

So that's what I gotta do on my day off. Sit at the freakin emergencyroom... I even had to cancel the class with the kidds, cus Micha couldn't take it. Eh, well... two other girls took our class, so the kidds will have a class at least.

Besides getting burned and having to work, yesterday was a good day cause I spent it with my friend Amanda! ♥ We met up here in Jakan, and went shoping. Or I shopped, she just looked around. And I wasn't even supposed to shop but I couldn't resist! And I'm really happy over the things I found! :D

I bought leggings, a black knitted longsleeved crop top, a beautiful necklace, socks and a scarf. AWESOMENESS! :D

We also ate lunch at Tasty's, their baguettes are soooo good! And then we went to Barkarby Outlet and looked around for shoes. I really need like a pair of boots. Warm and water-resistant. Cus soon all the snow will melt and all the shoes I have now are fabric ones or in suede. Ergo, not good for that kind of weather! But I didn't find any, so we went to IKEA and had coffe and cakes, YUMM! :) After that I went to work (it's right across from IKEA) and Amanda went home.

That was yesterday. Well, I'll be going soon. I'm waiting for my foster-dad to come and pick me up and drive me to the hospital. But he has other stuff to do so he'll just drop me off, and I'll have to sit there by myself. I hope it won't take hours...

See ya later


 Me in my new clothes and necklace, with my newly burned hand. I'll update you when I'm home again from the hospital. I bet I'm gonna sit there for hours just o have them say it's fine and I can go home...


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