wednesday 13th
Kategori: Allmänt
Today I actually woke up at a decent time! 10 am! It's the second time in like a month I've gotten up before 12 or 1 o'clock! But really it's not my fault, I've been working late every single shift, mostly closing or working 'til 11 pm. But today I actually woke up when my alarm went off at 10. Well, maaaayybeee it was because I had a nightmare where I saw two people get hit by a train... Awful, I know. And then Lana called asking if she could come over.
Anyway, I had a long nice breakfast and Lana came over and we ate some more and watched MTV. Then we went to Kista cus Lana had to pick up a pair of shoes. We went around for a bit in the mall and I told Lana to not let me buy anything cus I'm going to London next week, but I couldn't help myslef when I fond a chain to have on my glasses! Only 50 kr, shit I think I'm developing an addiction for shopping.
Hi, my name is Rebecca and I'm an shopaholic.
Hi, Rebecca. *Applause*
Yeeeeaaahhh... Anyway, after that we had some coffe (we really do spend to much money going to cafés) and now we ended up at my place again.
At Monki. Lana tried on a veeeeery long cardigan, haha.
I found my indetical twin!
Addicted to sugar
With the brand new chain on my new sunglasses! So fierce! ^^