Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!

hair, icecream, baguettes and friends

Kategori: Allmänt

WHAT A GREAT DAY! The sun is shining and you can really feel the warmth of the sun! I've had my first icecream outside in the sun today! That's a sign that spring is here!

Other than that I've been to Nordea and fixed some stuff, I got my paycheck today so I feel like I'm rich! Haha! Then Yassi and I went and got our hair cut, my hair feels and lookes so fabulous now! Silky smooth, freshly cut and Camilla fixed my roots yesterday! Only thing left is for Cams to fix my extentions! :D

When we were done at the hairdresser's we had some icecream in the sun, and just sat there and talked. Then we got hungry and went to Tasty's for some delicious baguettes and coke in the sun! And we were the only ones who sat outside so I put on some music and we sat there for like two hours and just talked! It felt so great sitting in the sun with a good friend and just enjoy the day. Days like this truly makes me happy!

I'm not sure what to do now. I'll probably call someone and go out again. I gotta enjoy the day!

Have a wonderful friday!

Yummie :)


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