Rebecca Löwengrip

Min resa mot ett smalare jag och ett hälsosammare liv!

1st of April

Kategori: Allmänt

Whaddup?! Have you missed me? Yeah, I know you have ;)

Sorry for the extreamly lousy crappy awful worst update EVER! But even though I've done stuff I didn't feel like I had anything to write about! Therfore, no blogging. And I'm sorry! I think it started when my cellphone didn't want to upload pictures to my computer, think I kinda gave up there. And that's when I just thought, I'll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow, it will work. But then I never did it tomorrow, and kept thinking 'tomorrow I'm gonna do it'.

Is it just me or do I sound like and addict trying to explain my behaviour? HAHA.

Aaaaanywaaay.... what have I done since I last wrote? Well, mostly working. Although it doesn't feel like I've worked a lot. Weird. And last week-end I had the best week-end I've had in a while! Or last week in it self was a great week! Well, after tuesday at least. My father's birthday was last tuesday, so me and my foster-dad went to my parents' graves. It felt... weird, but it always does. It was exactly two years ago on his birthday that he got that embolism in his brain (blodpropp i hjärnan), so it's a hard day to face each coming year.

But after that I had a wonderful week, on wednesday I met up with Lana, Yuliana and Cicci in town. Thursday I went to watch Cam teach and Elin and Celaya take her class. It was great seeing them again. And friday first I had waffles at my gran's house and then I went to the movies with Lana, Yuliana, Sema, Cicci and Mohammed, we saw 'I am nuber 4'. Good movie, not great, but worth the money. After that we decided to go out together the next day, so saturday we went to Lobby and danced our asses off! And on sunday me and Mich-pich taught classes in Huddinge, and she spent the night at my place, COZYNESS! :D

All in all -- A GREAT WEEK! And this week's not that bad... Except that I'm working a lot! I had my days of wednesday and thursday cus I'm working all week-end. So yesterday I went to town with Nina, Awästa and Yassi. We went to 'Gamla stan' strolled around in the sunshine and had coffe at John Chris! :) After that we went to the movies and saw 'The King's Speech'. That was a great movie! I get why that movie got so many Oscars! Colin Firth really is an excellent actor and he portrayed the stuttering King George VI (Queen Elisabeth II father) very realisticly!

Well, today's the first day of April and also the start of a veeery challenging work month. Today is the first of 8 closings in a row! First I have 5 then I'm off for two days and then I have to close 3 nights in a row. LET'S DO THIS SHIT!!! At least I have London to look forward to!! 20 FUCKING DAYS LEFT BITCHES!!!! :D :D :D :D WHOOP WHOOP!!

Here's a tunie lunie for ya!



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